heart shaped marble maze

Use the equipment listed to make a heart-shaped marble maze in the bottom of a Shallow (F1) Gratnells tray.

You will need

  • Washi tape in different colours
  • Scissors
  • Thick multicoloured art straws
  • Shallow (F1) Gratnells tray or a Gratnells A3 or Art Tray if you’d like a bigger maze
  • Marbles
  • Printed ‘start’ and ‘finish’ labels
  • Blue or white sticky tac
  • Stopwatch (optional)
  • Paper and pencils if you want to plan your maze in advance

What to do

  • Plan out the size/shape of your maze, and how you intend for the marble to travel from the start to the finish
  • Make a maze from the art straws and washi tape and secure it to the bottom of your tray
  • Secure your ‘start’ and ‘finish’ labels at the start and finish respectively using sticky tape
  • Place your marble at the start then lift and tilt the tray to guide your marble through the maze to the finish
  • Add another element to the challenge and see who in the class can complete each maze the fasted using a stopwatch. Record the results and crown the marble maze champion!

Health and Safety

As with all Gratnells What’s In My Tray activities, you should carry out your own risk assessment prior to undertaking any activities with children.