
Learnometer wins prestigious education award!

We are delighted to announce that the Gratnells Learnometer has won a Worlddidac Award 2020. The highly respected international Worlddidac Award highlights the merits of the Learnometer for classrooms around the globe. The international jury found it “pedagogically valuable and innovative” and that it can be “highly recommended for use in schools”.

Developed in partnership with Professor Stephen Heppell, a leading expert in the science of improving educational outcomes, the Learnometer records environmental data, stores this data in the cloud, and produces dashboard reports. These allow the user to get instant readings, as well as monitor trends and compare locations with differing environmental factors. The Learnometer constantly samples temperature, humidity, CO2, chemicals (TVOCs), fine dust (PM2.5), light and noise levels. Professor Heppell has undertaken many studies that highlight how taking steps to optimise these factors, by making marginal gains, can have a dramatic effect on academic performance.

As a constant monitor, visible within the classroom, the Learnometer engages students in discussion about environmental factors, and can even be used to launch a variety of classroom based STEAM projects. Using the digital data to plot, map, interpret and compare helps students build their digital skills and science capital. As students begin to understand how the environment can impact their own learning, they become more invested and take more responsibility for making learner-led improvements to their classroom.

Gratnells Learnometers are already being used around the world, including in the UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and the UAE.

Worlddidac is global trade association for the educational resources industry. You can read more about them here and about the awards here